Tag: 関西学院大学

Winter Leagure, A Test-Event, Apr. 2016, Biwako

There is some story to reach the Winter League. West Japan League in Feb and Mar was planned at first. Instead, West Japan Championship was abolished anymore.

Now the plan was slightly changed. the Winter League will be started next year’s Feb. As a test event, demonstration matches with five University teams were carried out during this Feb to Apr. Biwako Seikei Sport College, Osaka University, Kwansei Gakuin University, Ryukoku University, and Osaka Sangyo University associated at the Biwako swimming pool. Biwako Seikei Sport College team got the first place at this test event.

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Kansai Student League Tournament, Jun. 2014, Osaka

Kansai Student League Tournament is in progress.

There are several topics.

Although the Kansai Student League is composed of men’s teams, a women’s team of Biwako Seikei Sport College attended the match this year for the first time. In the first photo, blue No.4 is a Biwako’s women.

Biwako team includes two national team members. One is Umeda Yuko (the second photo), the other is Mori Tsubasa (the third photo).

On 28th June, Kyoto University team beat Kwansei Gakuin University  after a penalty shoot-out (the fourth photo). It was really ‘A’ penalty shoot-out. The first Kwansei shooter missed. Then, the first Kyoto shooter succeeded. That is all.



