Tag: 青柳

Kan concentrates on management

Several news media reported that Aoyagi Kan will focus on working as the general manager for several water polo teams at Kashiwazaki. It means that he gave up to appear on the Olympic games as a water polo player.

One of the articles spent more than 1000 characters with a color picture even on their paper version. It is very rare case that mass media picks up retirement of a Japanese water polo player as a news article. In fact, Kan was one of the most attractive Japanese water polo players.

At 91th Japan Championships held in this October, there were two clear signals. Firstly, Kan stayed at the bench at the beginning of some games, therefore, he was not a starting player. Of course, he could be a starting member if he desires. So, that was absolutely his own choice. Secondly, Nagata Satoshi did not participate this Japan Championships. Everyone knows that Kan and Nagata are ultimate comrades. It was easy to speculate that some decision will be noticed soon.

Now we already have next interests. When will he participate the Olympic games as a head coach of the Japan national team? His talent as a general manager is obvious although he has simultaneously acted the roles of a water polo player and a general manager for the past several years. When he concentrates on management, his potential as a manager is tremendous. Japan water polo society requires his contribution.

Following photos were taken in 2001, 2002, 2007, 2012, and 2015.

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